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Dos & Don’ts

Celebrity Fashion + Body Stylist and TV Personality, Eric Himel has been hailed as one of the most diverse and uniquely qualified stylists in the industry. Known as the ‘360º Stylist’ for his discerning eye, constructive candor and knowing instinctively what looks best on literally anyone makes him the go-to style guy for both on and off the camera for men, women and even teenagers alike.


Consider these when you dress: Fit, Proportion, Color, Fabrication, Texture, Age & Lifestyle-Appropriateness.


Wear Babydoll dresses, unless you are <14, pregnant or at the beach… or all three.


Try a sexy maillot bathing suit this Summer.


Wear ill-fitting bras. Get fitted 2 x year.


Bring a photo in to your hairstylist and colorist to show them what you want instead of trying to describe it to them.


Dryclean, iron, or put a crease in your jeans.


Spend money on good tailoring.


Be a slave to trends.